Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2.5 Weeks After the Surgery

So it's been approximately two and a half weeks since my surgery. I feel pretty good... four of the five incisions are almost completely healed. The fifth was the most severe and is still sore. I went for a check-up and the nurse said everything looked good. I'm not losing weight as rapidly as before because I've started eating "real food" now. I'm on Week 3 of the recovery diet which is soft food: tuna, egg, cottage cheese, etc. (sushi on my birthday! Hey, it's soft!). Next week I'll be able to eat real food! The hardest time I'm having with this is eating more than once a day. That's a habit I picked up in college; there wasn't time to eat until dinner. And that's just as bad for you as over-eating all day long! But I have been trying! 

Just a little update on the donation front - we'd like to thank a group of donors who would like to remain anonymous for their very large donation. Both my husband and I are extremely touched and overwhelmed with gratitude. Thank you.

And a huge thank you, of course, to all of you who have donated. By helping us financially you have lifted a huge burden and I'm able to concentrate on recovery instead of money! You all ROCK!

If you haven't made a donation and would like to, you can either use the Paypal button on the right or purchase something from my SHOP. We are still $2,933.55 away from our goal. 

And some good news: I will be making my vending comeback on June 18th at THE CIRCUS CABARET ROADSHOW at the Blue Moon Pub! I will have *NEW* pins and cards. C'mon down... it'll be worth it... GUARANTEED!

 Thanks again for all your support! You guys help me make it through! xoxoxo

♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ Yes I'm in the shop, but so are fine vintage sports cars! You still can buy amazing things by checking out my SHOP and these other fine establishments:
Plastic Wrap, Trap Door, The Rage, and Ransack the Universe! All awesome and all in TO!
I might even be up for some shows too if someone were to take on the the not-so-flattering job of making sure I don't fall down, I don't break anything, and that no one pays me in wooden nickels! WOW! I can see the line forming fast!!!)
Anyway, I'll still be moseying around and thanks for all the support! You all ROCK!
Creepily yours,

Melissa Hamel-Smith:
Owner and Artist of Kaotic Ekko's Curiosities


  1. Mel! I'm so glad to see your update. God bless those anon. donors! REally..i mean it! How is your vision? Still reading huge fonts? Any improvements?

    all the best,

  2. I know! When we found out I just cried and cried I was so touched, happy and relieved!

    Vision is still blah. Still using huge fonts on the computer. Still can't drive or read a book. I've been able to sew and do some artsy stuff... it just takes me a little longer than before and my eyes tire more easily... but I'm not giving in!

  3. Glad you are on the road to recovery and that you are able to get out to an event. Maybe we will see you on June 18th at THE CIRCUS CABARET ROADSHOW. I am hoping to pop my head in and see what's shaking.
    Jackie Hardaker

  4. Keep your spirits up. Lots of life adjustments right now. Try not to let it overwhelm you (easier said than done, I know). Sounds like you're fighting back ;) And I'm so glad you're working on some pieces.
