About four weeks ago I started having the worst headache. It felt like someone had taken a baseball bat to the back of my head. I went to an urgent care clinic and was diagnosed with a tension headache, treated, and released. I gave it a few days and the pain wasn't subsiding so I went to my family doctor who prescribed some meds and sent me home. Went back to a Doctor because I was still in pain and I was now having trouble seeing. He sent me to get a CT scan. So off to the urgent care clinic (because who wants to wait at ER?!?!?) Clear CT. Went back to family Doctor to say the CT was clear and she sent me to the ER.
Toronto East General Hospital. Tuesday 2:30pm. I was admitted to the ER at 11:30pm. Not too shabby. The ER doc takes one look at me and says, "I think I know what's wrong."
Super. Please share.
"Pseudotumor Ceribri."
Sounds lovely.
What that means essentially is that my body has too much spinal fluid, which is pushing on my head and spine causing pain and pressing on my eyes causing gradual loss of sight. It's most prominent in overweight women of child-bearing age although it's not extremely common.(I couldn't have won the lottery?!?!?)
So, what now?
- Well, I was in hospital for a week having all sorts of fun tests including a spinal tap to remove fluid (they are not nearly as bad as everyone thinks!)
- Was put on Diamox, a medication intended to slow spinal cord production.
- LapBand Surgery - they believe the quick weight loss will allow the spinal fluid to drain and hopefully I'll get some of my sight back.
- Optical Nerve Sheath Fenestration Surgery... basically eye surgery to drain some spinal fluid. Kinda gross... I don't even wanna think about it. Look it up on your own. It only lasts for 6 months and there is a 1% chance of going blind.
Plus we have to save ever penny. Did I mention my lap band surgery isn't covered by OHIP or my private insurance? Even thought it's emergency, not vanity we will have a bill of $16,000 coming our way shortly! (There is a PayPal button on the right for making donations. We hope you can help us out, but we do understand times are tough!)
♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ Yes I'm in the shop, but so are fine vintage sports cars! You still can buy amazing things by checking out my SHOP and these other fine establishments:
Plastic Wrap, Trap Door, The Rage, and Ransack the Universe! All awesome and all in TO!
I might even be up for some shows too if someone were to take on the the not-so-flattering job of making sure I don't fall down, I don't break anything, and that no one pays me in wooden nickels! WOW! I can see the line forming fast!!!)
Anyway, I'll still be moseying around and thanks for all the support! You all ROCK!
Creepily yours,
Melissa Hamel-Smith:
Owner and Artist of Kaotic Ekko's Curiosities